Inspired by the weaving of oriental bamboo scaffolding, Plot creates a feeling of weightlessness. Encased within a transparent blown glass diffuser, an internal LED light source is supported by interweaving of metal rods, evoking a look of suspended animation. Available with a smoke external diffuser with black internal support rods. Handmade in Italy by Vistosi.
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Chiaramonte & Marin
Alfredo Chiaramonte, born in Bologna, graduated in architecture in Venice, while Marco Marin, born in Venice, specialised in industrial design after completing his studies at the School of Fine Arts. Later they entered the world of the Murano glass and improved their knowledge of the glass manufacturing techniques. During the nineties, Alfredo Chiaramonte and Marco Marin received a number of awards, including the first prize at the Young & Design competition. They are currently working with top companies in the furniture, lighting, household and gifts sectors.Product Specifications
Supplier | Vistosi |
Designer | Chiaramonte & Marin |
Glass Finish | Smoke |
Metal Finish | Black |
Product Dimensions
Product Documents
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Plot pendant dimensions | 224KB | Download |